Dr. Joel Kreisberg


Joel Kreisberg

Dr. Joel Kreisberg has 29 years of experience as an integrative homeopathic physician. He holds credentials in chiropractic (a graduate of the New York College of Chiropractic), homeopathy (a graduate of the Hahnemann College of Homeopathy with clinical training at the Bengal-Allen Institute in Calcutta, India), and in coaching (International Coaching Federation).

Based on his many years as a teacher, Dr. Kreisberg developed a vision for homeopathic education which he shared nationwide in his role as founder of the North American Network of Homeopathic Educators. As President of the Council on Homeopathic Education from 1993-1996, Dr. Kreisberg revitalized the national accreditation process for homeopathic institutions, developing a basic accreditation program that formed the basis for ACHENA.

In 1996, Dr. Kreisberg founded the Teleosis School of Homeopathy, which he directed until 2003, training over 175 students in the four-year postgraduate program. After completing his Master's degree in Integral Ecology at Prescott College in Arizona, Dr. Kreisberg founded the Teleosis Institute, devoted to sustainable medicine. In 2012, he was instrumental in developing the first ordinance in the United States making it mandatory for drug companies to operate safe disposal systems for consumer prescription drugs.

After becoming an Integral Master Coach, Dr. Kreisberg developed the current curriculum at Teleosis Institute, including the Certificate Program in Narrative Health Coaching and The Journey of Inspiring Homeopathy: A Developmental Approach. Dr. Kreisberg is the author of the Homeopathic Handbook for Poison Ivy and Poison Oak, and the soon-to-be published Coaching and Healing: Transforming the Illness Narrative. His private practice, Integrative Homeopathic Medicine, is in Berkeley, CA.