Gaurang Gaikwad

Dr. Gaurang Gaikwad is an accomplished homœopathic practitioner and internationally acclaimed teacher and researcher. His dynamic approach blends classical homœopathy with advanced kingdom methods. Many homœopaths both in India and abroad come to his clinic in Matunga, Mumbai to receive training in clinical homœopathy. He has presented at numerous conferences and online courses, many of which are translated into multiple languages.
Dr. Gaurang’s parents were both ophthalmologists so he became familiar with medicine at an early age. He has received mentoring from Dr. Vijay Vaishnav and Dr. Rajan Sankaran, with whom he worked closely on several books (Synergy in Homeopathy, Synergy Synopsis, From Similia to Synergy, and The Art of Follow Up). Dr. Gaurang also teaches at The Other Song, Dr. Sankaran’s homœopathic school in Mumbai. Dr. Sunirmal Sarkar was another mentor, and Dr. Gaurang helped Dr. Sarkar complete his two books, Just You See and Just You Think.
Dr. Gaurang is the author of his own books: Decoding Mental Rubrics (translated into French) and Materia Medica of Nosodes and Sarcodes. He had a recent, well-received workshop in which he discussed the sarcodes and nosodes, including the bowel nosodes. His most recent publication, Art of Repertorisation, Rediscovering Old and Forgotten Repertories, helps readers to understand the different repertories and includes difficult cases of acute viral diseases.
The Homeopathic Hub is Dr. Gaurang’s popular YouTube Channel. Subscribers from around the world tune in to hear about his homœopathic experiences and gain more knowledge for their own practices.
Dr. Gaurang was recently awarded “The Late Dr. Mahendra Singh Memorial National Award” for best teacher (2020) by the Dr. Mahendra Singh National Trust & Homœopathic Science Congress Society, India.
For further information regarding teaching, research, workshops, and books, visit