Dana Ullman


(1951 -)

Dana Ullman

Dana Ullman, M.P.H. is one of the foremost spokespersons for homeopathic medicine in the United States. He has authored several books, including Discovering Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century (North Atlantic, 1991), which includes a foreword by Dr. Ronald W. Davey, Physician to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

In 2007, he published The Homeopathic Revolution, a book that documents famous people of the past 200 years who have been known to use and/or advocate for homeopathic medicine.

Dana is the President of the Foundation for Homeopathic Education and Research, an elected Board member of the National Center for Homeopathy, and directs Homeopathic Educational Services.

Dana Ullman has served as an instructor in a course on homeopathy at the University of California at San Francisco for three years. He will also be a member of the Advisory Council of the Alternative Medicine Center at Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons and is a consultant to Harvard Medical School's Center to Assess Alternative Therapy for Chronic Illness.

Dana Ullman authored Homeopathic Medicine for Children and Infants, a valuable guide to more than 75 common physical, emotional, and behavioral conditions, plus information on common remedies that all parents should have in their kits.

He also co-authored Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicines (Jeremy Tarcher/Putnam, revised 1991) which won the Medical Self-Care Book Award.

Dana edited Monograph on Homeopathic Research and served as publisher of 25 major texts in homeopathy by other authors. He has written over 30 published articles in a variety of respected publications, including Western Journal of Medicine, Social Policy, The Futurist, Medical Self-Care, California Living (the Sunday magazine to the San Francisco Chronicle and San Francisco Examiner), as well as numerous health care and homeopathic journals.

Dana Ullman has been particularly effective in working with major institutions and getting them to change their attitudes and policies towards natural health care. He has organized successful conferences that were sponsored or co-sponsored by the federal Department of Health and Human Services ("Holistic Health: Policies in Action," May, 1980) and U.C. Berkeley ("Conceptualizing Energy Medicine, " March, 1981). He authored the San Francisco Foundation's Health Report, which changed the funding priorities of this major philanthropic institution. He has recently become a consultant to the World Health Organization.

Books by Dana Ullman