Douglas Falkner
(1960 -)

Dr. Douglas Falkner is a Certified Master Homeopath. For his training he worked with, studied extensively, and completed courses and seminars with Stephen Messer, Paul Herscu, Lou Klein, Vega Rozenberg Jan Scholten, Vassilis Ghegas, Rajan Sankaran, and others. As a trained Emergency Physician, and an instructor for hospital-based Clinical Emergency Medicine, Dr. Falkner brings a broad conventional medical background as well to his understanding of health and disease and to the homeopathic healing art.
Dr. Falkner started his first homeopathic training program in 2004, and founded The Falkner School for Homeopathy in 2010. He currently serves as a member of the National Center for Homeopathy’s Board of Directors, as well. Dr. Falkner maintains a world-wide client base, while continuing to expand his teaching activities. He offers private homoeopathic consultations in person or by phone. He currently resides with his family in Ashland, Oregon.
A gifted teacher and healer, he combines conventional medical knowledge with a deep intrinsic grasp of the Hahnemannian principles connected with successful homeopathic treatment.
Dr. Falkner's unique approach taught in his three-year "Homeopathy Through Simplicity: The Objective Observer Course" arose out of the expressed frustrations of so many students, concerning today's seemingly endless variety of "systems" and sometimes contradictory teachings.
In his training program, the fundamentals of Materia Medica and Repertory, of case-taking and case-analysis, are introduced and integrated with foundational homeopathic principles and philosophy through a dynamic and interactive teaching style, classical texts, live cases, stories, humor, fun exercises and enriching discussion of the students' own lives and personal challenges.
The Objective Observer Course distills the essential information and tools needed for competence, while balancing homeopathic knowledge with one's own development of clear, impartial observation. This was one of the central tenets of sound homeopathic practice as outlined in Aphorism 3 of the Organon.
In learning to observe more objectively, we become the central and most powerful tool in our work as homeopaths.
Mastery of this most basic faculty, combined with an understanding of the fundamental homeopathic principles and knowledge as taught by this approach, reliably leads to consistently effective prescribing, and makes the practice of our healing art simple, joyful, satisfying, and easily accessible.
Contact Details
- Address: 240 Orange Avenue, Ashland, OR 97520
- Tel: 541-552-1400
- Email:
- Website: The Falkner School for Homeopathy