Gheorghe Jurj

Dr. Jurj completed his medical training at Romania’s Medical University of Timisoara in 1984. He studied acupuncture concurrently, where he honed skills of observation that would later use in his work as a homeopath. Dr. Jurj spent his early years as a General Practitioner in an isolated mountain community of 5,000 people, where he provided basic medical services, including a small surgery, work medicine, and counseling. During this time he developed the concept of “Real Time Medicine”, which has now become “Real Time Homeopathy”.
Dr. Jurj discovered homeopathy in 1990, whereupon he “felt like a salmon back into its native waters.” He has been in clinical practice using homeopathy exclusively for over 30 years. He has served as a Professor since 1996, and is a Life Honorary President (former President) of the Romanian Clinical Homeopathy Association (ARHC).
Over the past 15 years, Dr. Jurj has been an invited Professor for courses throughout Europe (Spain, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Portugal, Czech Republic), Brazil and Argentina, primarily focusing on Semiotics of Homeopathy and Visual Signs, but also addressing clinical disciplines such as pediatrics, immunology, and neurology.
From 2017-2019, he served as Coordinator of a Master in Homeopathy (3 years, almost 400 hours of courses and seminars) at ARHC (2017-2019) followed by postgraduate level courses.
Dr. Jurj served as Senior Editor of the Revista Romana de Homeopatie for more than 10 years, and is a former member of the editorial board of International Journal for High Dilutions Research. Dr. Jurj has published over 50 professional articles in international journals, including Homeopathy, IJHDR, Revista de Homeopatia , Ukrainean Journal of Homeopathy, Il medico Omeopata, Homeopathic Heritage, and is considered to be one of the most important authors in Semiotics of Homeopathy and Visual Signs and homeopathic Dermatology.
His published works (solo or in collaboration) include:
- Materia Medica – with his Professor, the late G. Bungetzianu
- Incursiune in Homepatie, 2 vol.
- Breviar de Homeopatie (4 editions)
- Understanding homeopathy by Images, CD
- Homeopathic Dermatology, course CD
- Homeopatia en tempo real, Materia medica Clinica (Portuguese) with Silvia Waisse Priven
- Pediatria y Neurologia, cursos (Spanish)
- Gesturi simple (Rom)
- Commentaries on Yoga-Sutra, Patanjali (Rom)
- Reality as a Sign, (Magna cum Laude PhD thesis published in Romanian, well received by specialists and the public.)