Here is a list of additions for Secale cornutum. This information was presented by Dr. Alfons Geukens at the American Institute of Homeopathy (AIH) conference in Chicago, IL, June 28-July 1. In the interest of quickly distributing this information to as many practitioners as possible WholeHealthNow is creating this access.
- agg. (Add Secale) - going to a warm room, from cold air (Add Secale) |
- occiput, extending to, eyes (Add Secale)
- forehead, eye, above (Add Secale)
- painful, touched; when (Add Secale)
- NEW RUBRIC: rotated; as if (Secale)
- accomp. by, noise (Add Secale)
- old people!! KEYNOTE
- NEW RUBRIC: drunkards; in (Secale)
- profuse (Add Secale)
- NEW RUBRIC: wiping nose (Secale)
- Hippocratic+++
- Risus sardonicus+++ spasm facial muscles
- Twitching NEW RUBRIC: spreading all over body (Add Secale)
- Discoloration, pale lips!
- Spasms, tongue (Add Secale)
- brown-yellowish NEW RUBRIC: middle through, sides clean (Add Secale)
- Dryness, Esophagus (Add Secale
- Pain, sore, left, ext. to ear KEYNOTE
- Inflammation, follicular
- Paralysis, post diphtheric
- Appetite, ravenous; diarrhea; with (Add Secale)
- coffee grounds; like (Add Secale)
- worms
- touch (Add Secale)
- burning, ext. to, esophagus (Add Secale)
- Constriction, ext. to, spine (Add Secale)
- Eructation, burnt NEW RUBRIC: horn (Secale)
- Coldness NEW RUBRIC: warm drinks agg. (Add Secale)
- Gangrene, liver!
- Covering, agg. KEYNOTE!!
- NEW RUBRIC: thrombosis, abdominal vessels (Secale)
- bending double, must (Add Secale)
- ext. to sides (Add Secale)
- NEW RUBRIC: sacral region (Secale)
- umbilicus (umbilical region) (Add Secale)
- fat, aversion
- sour, desire
- lemonade, desire
- fright, from
- colic; during (Add Secale)
- from fright
- delivery - after (Add Secale)
- diarrhea, from
- stool, after
- Anemia, menorrhagia; from (Add Secale)
- Development, arrested NEW RUBRIC: foetus
- Heat, sens. of
- Chorea, menses NEW RUBRIC: irregular; with (Secale)
- one side - apoplexy; after
- convulsions; after
- affected parts; of
- single parts
- desire to be
- being fanned amel.
- Covers agg.
- Uncovering
- Arteriosclerosis+++
- Flatus, stool, during
- Paralysis
- Urging, colic, during (Add Secale)
- Open anus
- Fullness (Add Secale)
- cholera; in (Add Secale)
- colic; with (Add Secale)
- diarrhea; with (Add Secale)
- night (Add Secale (gk))
- bed; in (Add Secale (gk))
- diarrhea; with
- warm bed, unendurable; yet KEYNOTE
- smokers; in !!!
- night (Add Secale)
- burning+++
* uncovers; them (Add Secale (gk))
- cold, touch, but cold to (Add Secale (br))
- NEW RUBRIC: burning (Secale)
- burning; tearing, pain; with - cold |
- third (Add Secale) - fourth (Add Secale) |
- fingers, spasmodic
- hysterical
- periodic
- joints
- Abducted, fingers; spasmodically KEYNOTE
- fingers+++ |
- burning -foot, sole, cold to touch (Add Secale (gk))
- cold applications amel. KEYNOTE
- hands+++
- fingers (Add Secale (gk))
- lower limbs+++
- lower limbs (Add Sec (hr))
- Emaciation, paralyzed limb
- excoriating
- destroys shoes! (Add Sec (hr)) |
- active
- black
- continuous
- dark blood
- delivery
- liquid -slow; but - clots; with - during - after |
- fibroids; from
- fluid
- gushing
- injuries; from
- menopause; during
- offensive
- painless
- perspiration; with cold
- nursing the child; when (Add Secale)
- second - third - flabby women |
- abortion; after |
- ceasing *convulsions come on; and - weak |
- Bloody+++
- uncoagulated
- viscid
- Emphysema (Add Secale)
- Inflammation, bronchial tube (Add Secale)
- Pulsation, carotids (Add Secale
- Formication, ext. to fingers and toes
- Pain Stitching, dorsal region, scapulae, between, ext. to NEW RUBRIC: hands (Add Secale)
- Inflammation, spinal cord (Myelitis)
- Coldness, spine
- Accompanied by, staggering
- dreams by - frightful (Add Secale)
- nightmare; by (Add Secale)
- Ulcers, cold air, amel. (Add Secale)
- icy+++
- uncover, must
- NEW RUBRIC: shivering, with
- petechiae
- hemorrhagica
- senilis+++!
- covered with clammy sweat and blueness; cannot bear to be+++
- uncover; with desire to KEYNOTE
- Bed, turning over; in (Add Secale)
- burning+++
- cold to the touch; while body feels (Add Secale)
- Insidious
- NEW RUBRIC: Gestures swaying arm to and from head (Add Secale)
- Loathing, life; at
- Despair
- Disturbed; averse to being (Add Secale)
- Answering, aversion to
- Dullness
- Consciousness NEW RUBRIC: death; until (Add Secale)
- Memory, weakness, names, members of family (Add Secale)
- Forebodings (Add Secale)
- misfortune (Add Secale)
- mania; in KEYNOTE!!
- Mocking, relatives; at his KEYNOTE!
- Fight; wants to!!!
- Indifference, exposure of her person; to+++
- Suspicious+++
- Contemptuous, relations; for+++
- Rage, kill people; tries to
- Forsaken feeling
(Related paper - Spigelia anthelmium) |