Biographies & Schools |
Books & Countries |
Christopher Ellithorp, scholar and historian of homeopathy and guardian of this Timeline's historical accuracy, has contributed a summary of Hahnemann's achievements in the medical arts and other areas of science. |
Luc De Schepper is the author of the book Hahnemann Revisted. He has graciously consented to reprint his book's Introduction here. This article provides a well executed and insightful look into Hahnemann's life. |
1764 - 1845
Georg A.H. Muhlenbein "The Apostle of Homeopathy" in Northern Germany. He converted many allopaths and was a founder of The Central Union. |
1765 - 1854
Matthius Marenzeller, the first to profess the doctrine of homeopathy in Austria. In 1828, by order of the emperor, he conducted the first homeopathic experiments at the Garrison Hospital in Vienna. |
1773 - 1852
Joseph Mueller, the pioneer homeopath in Hungary. |
1778 - 1843
Carl Bernhard Trinius , a German homeopathic physician, was said to have been Samuel Hahnemann's favorite nephew. Trinius played an important role in homeopathy in Russia. and was physician to Russian Emperor, Nicholas I. Read Loyal to the Ancestral Line: Hahnemann's Nephew, Dr C B Trinus (PDF) This article by Myra Nissen, RSHom (NA), CCH, originally appeared in the American Homeopath Journal, Volume 16, 2010, and is reprinted with the editor's permission. |
Hahnemann graduates Erlangen |
Hahnemann's dissertation at Erlangen Dissertatio inauguralis medica, Conspectus adfectuum spasmodicorum aetiologicus et therapeuticus - His Inaugural Thesis was defended August 1. |
Kreb's Medic Hahnemann pens some small writings for the second part of Krebs' Medic. One of the articles relates to a mode of checking salivation at its commencement, probably by means of liver of sulphur, or sulphuretted hydrogen gas, as described in the Venereal Diseases. |
1784 - 1849
Moritz Muller, prover of Dulcamara. A founder of the first homeopathic Journal, Archiv fur der Homoopathischen Heilkunst, 1822. |
1784 "Directions for Curing Radically Old Sores and Indolent Ulcers, with an Appendix Containing a More Appropriate Treatment of Fistulas, Caries, Spina Ventosa, Cancer, White Swelling and Pulmonary Consumption". Published in Leipzig, it contains many useful observations on the management of the system in general and of old ulcers in particular. Even in this early effort, we can see Hahnemann's disgust for many of the absurd modes of treating disease that were common to his day. These are illustrated by examples from the author's own practice at Hermanstadt in Transylvania. |
1785 - 1864
Clemens M. F. von Boenninghausen developer of the first homeopathic repertory, "The Repertory of the Anti-Psoric Remedies", author of "The Therapeutic Pocket Book" H.A. Roberts, along with A.C. Wilson, wrote a biographical sketch of Boenninghausen, which includes a chronology of his writings. |
1786 - (unknown)
Fredrick Hahnemann, homeopath, son of Samuel Hahnemann |
On Arsenical Poisoning; its Treatment and Judicial Detection published by Hahnemann. |
1787 - 1840
Hans Burch Gram, MD, first homeopath in United States |
On The Wine Test for Iron and Lead published by Hahnemann. Further essays published on the subject in 1792 - 1794. |
1787 - 1849
Caspar Jenischen, developer of the first high potencies. |
Instruction for Surgeons Respecting Venereal Diseases An early essay by Hahnemann describing his clinical observations and proposed treatments for venereal diseases. Although prior to Hahnemann's first ideas on the homeopathic principal, this work contains many original ideas and important innovations on the common practice of his day. |
1787 - 1860
Johann Stapf, MD, one of Hahnemann's Prover's Union, first convert to homeopathy |
1788 - 1868
Federal Vanderburgh, one of the first American homeopaths |
Exact Mode of Preparing The Soluble Mercury --- and --- Instructions for Surgeons respecting Venereal Diseases, together with a new Mercurial Preparation are both published by Hahnemann. |
Hahnemann translates Cullen's Materia Medica, which instigates him to test Cinchona upon himself. |
1791 - 1876
George Henry Bute. He was the first prover of Rhus tox. and many indigenous plants. His proving symptoms of Alum were accepted by Hahnemann and inserted into The Chronic Diseases. It was this pioneer Pennsylvania homeopath who induced Constantine Hering to immigrate to America. |
The Friend of Health, Part I by Hahnemann is published in the vernacular. A compilation of articles, which delve into the subject of Hygiene. These works were far ahead of their time with regard to their insights and humanity. Part I includes articles on the bites of mad dogs, the protection against infection in epidemic diseases and interesting suggestions on the use of diet for preventing disease and helping the sick. |
Hahnemann moves to Leipzig. |
1791 - 1874
William Leaf, English merchant and philanthropist. Having been a patient and intimate friend of Hahnemann, he does much to establish and support homeopathy in the UK. |
1793 - 1834
Christian Gottlob Hornburg, one of Hahnemann's earliest disciples and prover of Causticum; first to cure pleurisy and pneumonia with Aconite. |
Pharmaceutical Lexicon published by Hahnemann. Also known as the Apothecaries' Dictionary, this work on the preparation of various substances was a standard text used in Germany during a good portion of the 19th Century. It was not a mere compilation, but contained new hints and valuable improvements over what had preceded it. |
1793 - 1843
Ernst Ferdinand Rueckert. Assisted Hahnemann as prover of Dulcamra, Aconite, etc. With Lux, he may be considered founder of veterinary homeopathy. |
1793 - 1854
Friederick Jacob Rummel. A member of Hahnemann's first proving group who in 1832 became, with Gross and Hartmann, an editor of the Allgemeine Homoopathische Zeitung. Rummel was largely responsible for the recognition and protection of Homeopathy in Prussia. |
1794 - 1858
William Wesselhoeft. An intimate of Goethe, he was, with Hering, a founder of the Allentown Academy. |
1794 - 1847
Gustav Wilhelm Gross, MD. Considered by Hahnemann as one of his best students, and by some to be the most skilled prover. |
1794 - 1887
Henry Detwiller, a founder of The Allentown Academy and pioneer homeopath. He gave the first prescription of a homeopathic medicine in Pennsylvania. |
1794 - 1874
Karl Julius Aegidi, Physician to Princess Fredericka of Prussia; he suggested compound remedies to Hahnemann. |
1794 - 1878
William Cullen Bryant. American poet, philanthropist, and militant homeopath. Lay member of The New York Homeopathic Society in 1834 and President of The Board of Trustees of the New York Homeopathic Medical College from 1860 - 1872. |
1795 - 1869
John Martin Honigberger, MD who took homeopathy to India |
The Friend of Health, Part II A compilation of articles, which delve into the subject of Hygiene. These works were far ahead of their time with regard to their insights and humanity. Part II includes articles on how to eradicate malignant fevers, suggestions on the prevention of epidemics and how to choose a family physician. |
1795 - 1835
Carl Franz. A prover of many of the medicines in the "Materia Medica Pura". |
1795 - 1863
Franz Hartmann, a member of The Prover's Union. He was a prolific writer who broke from the established method by adding therapeutic indications to his work. |
1795 - 1857
Paul Wolf. An opponent of high potencies whose Eighteen Theses, published in 1837, formally declared them deviations from Hahnemann's theories which were supported by many of Germany's 'Progressive Homeopaths'. |
1795 - 1885
Benjamin F. Joslin. Prominent New York homeopath and author. Prover of Rumex. |
1795 - 1845
Ernst George von Brunnow. Wealthy nobleman and novelist cured by Hahnemann. Translated "Materia Medica Pura" into Latin and "The Organon" into French. |
1795 - 1849
Wilhelm Lux. With Rueckert can be considered the first to practice veterinary homeopathy, though most known for his doctrine of Aequalia aequalibus--Isopathy. |
1795 - 1877
Adolph Franz Haynel. One of Hahnemann's earliest disciples and member of his household as a student and prover. Became a pioneer homeopath in Baltimore, Maryland. |
Hahnemann details the cure of Klockenbring's insanity. |
Essay on A New Principle for Ascertaining The Curative Powers of Drugs Hahnemann first announces the simile principle. |
1796 - 1828
Carl Gottlob Caspari, compiler of the first homeopathic pharmacopoeia in 1825. |
1796 - 1867
Leon Simon, pioneer of homeopathy in France. |
1796 - 1853
Paul Francis Curie. Induced by Leaf to move to England, where he became prominent in homeopathy. |
1796 - 1878
Frederick H. F. Quin. Introduced homeopathy into England. He established the London Homeopathic Hospital. |
Are the Obstacles to the Attainment of Simplicity and Certainty in Practical Medicine Insurmountable? published by Hahnemann, in which he attacks polypharmacy. |
1797 - 1860
Ferdinand L. Wilsey. Pupil of Gram and one of the first patients under homeopathic treatment in America. |
Vaccination introduced by Jenner. Hailed by Hahnemann and later condemned by Hering, Close and others. Many preferred the method of "internal vaccination", such as the use of Variolinum for smallpox, the legitimacy of which was recognized by the State of Iowa in 1905. |
Hahnemann's persecution by the apothecary guilds begins. |