Will Tayor (bio) offers this ongoing series of articles, presenting his insights into case-taking and homeopathy. These articles originate partly out of material Dr. Taylor prepares for teaching at The School of Homeopathy, New York.
Index of Installments
- The Interview
- Dimensions of a Physical Symptom
- Dimensions of a Mental/Emotional Symptom
- Applications to Study of Materia Medica
- Symptoms by Analogy
- Specificity of Seat - James Compton Burnett and the generalization of Locality
- H.N. Guernsey and the Concept of Keynotes
- Quantitative Knowledge of Remedies
- Qualitative Knowledge of Remedies - provings vs. clinical symptoms
- On the Genus Epidemicus - the prophylactic treatment of acute epidemic disease
- An Anamnesis of Lyme Disease - applying the process of determining the Genus Epidemicus to a subacute miasm
- The Story Board - a tool for seeing the Totality of Symptoms
- Provings - the heritage of homeopathy
- Provings II - reflections on historical provings
- Families of Remedies - the challenges met in setting up the new RADAR/Encyclopedia Homeopathica 2.0 database