ACHENA Approved for 20 Hours!
By popular request, WHN offered a webinar course on the Milk and Mammal Remedies with Dr. Will Taylor and Kim Elia in the Fall of 2010. This course is now available on disk.
Will and Kim teamed up to cover an assortment of Milk and Mammal remedies, combining formal materia medica study with illustrative case examples.
Course students learned to recognize these remedies in characteristic clinical settings, with case examples providing unforgettable images that grounded their understanding.
In their unique and engaging style, Will and Kim highlighted the essential features of each remedy, and helped attendees grasp the many faces of these remedies as they are seen in practice.
Course Details

This multi-media course was presented live, with simultaneous computer and telephone conferencing. The media-rich course materials include high quality PowerPoint presentations for each of the remedies.
Cases and their repertorizations are available on the recorded CDs, along with a video recording of each session.
Remedies covered include:
Lac caninum, Lac defloratum/bovinum, Lac humanum/maternum, Lac equinum, Lac felinum, Lac leolinum, Ambra grisea, Moschus, Mephites, Castoreum canadense, Castor equi...
and more.
Thank you Will and Kim for a great course on Milks and Mammals. Your insight and observations brought together an important group of remedies in a way that makes homeopathy accessible and useful in clinical practice. I look forward to more courses such as this.
— Breda Pixley, RN CCH RSHom(NA)
Your Instructors
Will Taylor, a research scientist, medical doctor and naturalist, will bring his expertise in botany and zoology to the description of the mammals we use in homeopathic practice, and to an in depth discussion of the classical homeopathic approach in materia medica study and case analysis.
Kim Elia, a dynamic teacher and seasoned homeopathic practitioner, will bring these remedies to life while focusing on important differentials between these milk and mammal remedies and other non-mammalian remedies from our materia medica.
I have a patient who was not doing so well, and after a session on Lac Caninum in the Milks and Mammals course, I realized, this is what the patient needs. I gave him the remedy and it worked so beautifully. It was a wonderful curative case of Lac Caninum. I am still amazed at the power of homeopathy even after 15 years in practice!
— Avghi Constantinides D.Hom HMC MA (Director, Los Angeles School of Homeopathy)

Mastering the Milk & Mammal Remedies
Course on CD & DVD
Reg. $400 SALE $225
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All Sales Are Final
Online Only Registration
Reg. $400
SALE: $225
When you register online, DVD's can be optionally purchased for $85 - More Info
Note: The price you see when you register, is the price you will be charged.
Refund Policy: No refunds issued for WHN courses
If you are having technical issues with PayPal and need help enrolling, please contact the Course Coordinator at:, 888-722-5423 (pacific time).
Your registration includes:
- A multimedia presentation to view on your computer.
- Online review and self-assessment quizzes for each session.
- Documentation of Homeopathic Education Hours - The full completion of this course provides 20 hours of Homeopathic Education.
- Access to our WHN Course website.
- High-quality PowerPoint presentations.
- Case assignments and Repertorizations.
*To receive Homeopathic Education Hours: You must watch the recorded sessions, and complete all quizzes with a score of 80% or better. Please be sure to print and safeguard your Letter at the conclusion of the course. Partial course credit is not given for WHN courses.
For More Information - or to register offline:
or call 888-722-5423 (pacific time)
Praise for the Milk & Mammals Course
I want to express my personal appreciation for yet another Masters course with the Milk and Mammals series. You, Will, and Marci were all once again amazing, but I have grown to expect nothing else from you all, and I have never been disappointed.
Kim, your dedication to homeopathy and teaching it in such an exciting manner is unsurpassed. You and Will together are a dynamic duo and a class act!! Love all the clinical pearls and methodology and MM wisdom and the humour you always manage to inject. Your generosity in offering to help us as individual practioners to apply your teachings and further homeopathy's ability to bring wellness and balance and cure to many is so appreciated.
— Cynthia Harcourt, DVM
Thanks for doing the Webinar! I loved every single minute! Kim - you are the best. Learning from you and Will Taylor is a joyous, stimulating and informative experience.
I can just see our great Homeopathic teachers and pioneers smiling on us. You keep to our tried and true principles - which results in a practice that works, as it has for over 250 years. Thanks for your scholarship and your sense of joy.
— Cassie Travaini, CCH, RSHom
Kim, thanks again for another wonderful course. We are truly blessed to have you as our instructor. These courses are educational, entertaining and extremely well presented. I know that you must spend hours putting these courses together and I appreciate your efforts greatly. Thanks soooooo much.
— Alan Feldman
More Courses

The Milk & Mammals course is another in WholeHealthNow's ongoing At-Home Learning Series, offering high-quality, affordable homeopathic education.